Tracking 30351 objects as of 28-Mar-2025
HD Live streaming from Space Station
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For a faster determination of your home latitude and longitude your position is detected from your current IP address. The geolocation databases is provided by IP2Location. You will need to login to determine your exact location.

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The main page utilizes AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)

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Yes you can but not all of them are visible. There are certain factors that make satellites being brighter of fainter. They shold be above the horizon and in a favorable position (illuminated by Sun while you should be in the dark). The brightness of a satellite is a function of its size, surface reflectivity, how well and from what angle the Sun's light is illuminating the satellite, the satellite's height above the horizon, and the corresponding effects of atmospheric interference. On average, a dozen or so satellites are visible at any given time to an observer using binoculars.

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Currently can track in real time up to 5 satellites on the same map. Just go to any satellite details page to manage your tracking list.

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You may want to try the "What's up in the sky" feature! You have to login first and select your location.

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Yes, there is no limit, you can save as many location as you want in your profile.

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The time zone is your local time time zone. Actually is your operating system time zone. Please make sure you have configured correctly your system (your computer).

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A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an orbit around Earth between the atmosphere and the Van Allen radiation belt, with a low angle of inclination. The boundaries are not firmly defined but are typically around 200 - 1200 km (124 - 726 miles) above the Earth's surface.

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A high inclination orbit (80-100 degrees) will take a satellite over the polar regions so that it covers the whole Earth's surface, as the Earth rotates below it.

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A geosynchronous orbit is a geocentric orbit that has the same orbital period as the sidereal rotation period of the Earth. It has a semi-major axis of 42,164 km.

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A geostationary orbit (abbreviated GEO) is a circular orbit directly above the Earth's equator (0 latitude). Any point on the equator plane revolves about the Earth in the same direction and with the same period as the Earth's rotation. It is a special case of the geosynchronous orbit (abbreviated GSO), and the one which is of most interest to operators of artificial satellites (including communication and television satellites)

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Orbits with an inclination less than 90 degrees are "prograde" or "direct" (their groundtracks move in the easterly direction, in the direction of Earth's rotation), while orbits with an inclination greater than 90 degrees are "retrograde" (their groundtracks move in the westerly direction, against the direction of Earth's rotation).

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Intermediate circular orbit (ICO), also called medium earth orbit (MEO), is used by satellites between the altitudes of low earth orbit (up to 1400 km) and geosynchronous orbit (35,790 km).

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N2YO is the webmaster's ham radio call sign. Amateur radio, often called ham radio, is a hobby enjoyed by many people throughout the world. An amateur radio operator, ham, or radio amateur uses two-way radio to communicate with other radio amateurs for public service, recreation and self-improvement.