Tracking 30351 objects as of 28-Mar-2025
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objects crossing your sky now



Exact matches only. The International designator is an internationally agreed-upon naming convention for satellites. The designator contains the launch year, the launch number of the year and the part of the launch, i.e., "A" indicates payload, "B" the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
e.g. enter 1990-037B for Hubble Space Telescope


Exact matches only. The Satellite Catalog Number (also known as NORAD Catalog Number, NASA catalog number, USSPACECOM object number or simply Catalog number and similar variants) is a sequential 5-digit number assigned by USSPACECOM to all Earth orbiting satellites in order of identification. Before USSPACECOM, the catalog was maintained by NORAD. The first catalogued object, catalog number 00001, is the Sputnik 1 launch vehicle. (Wikipedia)
e.g. enter 28485 for Swift


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc
At least 3 characters. The satellite name is not always the common (or popular) name. For example, the well known Hubble Space Telescope is actually officially named HST.
Up to 100 results are returned.
e.g. enter oscar for OSCAR satellites


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc

Browse by satellite launch date

Range between October 4, 1957 (when Sputnik was launched) and current date. This represents the date when satellite was placed on orbit.
Up to 100 results are returned.


65 match(es)
Name NORAD ID Int'l Code Launch date
Status Action
SOYUZ MS-11 43756 2018-098A 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
MINXSS-2 43758 2018-099A 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SIRION PATHFINDER-2 43759 2018-099B 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
ELYUSIUM/LOWER FREE FLYE 43760 2018-099C 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
K2SAT 43761 2018-099D 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
STPSAT-5 43762 2018-099E 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
UPPER FREE FLYER 43763 2018-099F 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
POLAR SCOUT KODIAK 43764 2018-099G 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
HAWK-A 43765 2018-099H 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SPAWAR-CAL-O 43766 2018-099J 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
CORVUS BC4 43767 2018-099K 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
AISTECHSAT-2 43768 2018-099L 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
FLOCK 3S 1 43769 2018-099M 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
FOX-1CLIFF (AO-95) 43770 2018-099N 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
OBJECT P 43771 2018-099P 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
RANGE-A 43772 2018-099Q 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
RANGE-A 43773 2018-099R 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
HIBER-2 43774 2018-099S 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
EXSEEDSAT-1 43775 2018-099T 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SPAWAR-CAL-R 43776 2018-099U 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
LACMA ENOCH 43777 2018-099V 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPAWAR-CAL-OR 43778 2018-099W 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
OBJECT X 43779 2018-099X 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
MOVE-II 43780 2018-099Y 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
VESTA-1 43781 2018-099Z 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SNUSAT-2 43782 2018-099AA 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
KAZSTSAT 43783 2018-099AB 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SNUGLITE 43784 2018-099AC 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
ORBWEAVER 2 43785 2018-099AD 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
ITASAT-1 43786 2018-099AE 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
FLOCK 3S 3 43788 2018-099AG 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
IRVINE-02 43789 2018-099AH 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
EAGLET 1 43790 2018-099AJ 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
CAPELLA-1 43791 2018-099AK 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
ESEO 43792 2018-099AL 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
CSIM 43793 2018-099AM 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
HAWK-B 43794 2018-099AN 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
ORBWEAVER 1 43795 2018-099AP 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
THEA 43796 2018-099AQ 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SKYSAT C12 43797 2018-099AR 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
ASTROCAST-01 43798 2018-099AS 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
HAWK-C 43799 2018-099AT 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
ICEYE-X2 43800 2018-099AU 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
OBJECT AV 43801 2018-099AV 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SKYSAT C13 43802 2018-099AW 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
JY1SAT (JO-97) 43803 2018-099AX 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SUOMI 100 43804 2018-099AY 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
AL FARABI 2 43805 2018-099AZ 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
OBJECT BA 43806 2018-099BA 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
EUCROPIS 43807 2018-099BB 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
POLAR SCOUT YUKON 43808 2018-099BC 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
CENTAURI-1 43809 2018-099BD 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
OBJECT BE 43810 2018-099BE 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
NEXTSAT-1 43811 2018-099BF 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
GLOBAL-2 43812 2018-099BG 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
BRIO 43813 2018-099BH 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
PW-SAT2 43814 2018-099BJ 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
FALCONSAT-6 43815 2018-099BK 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-7 43816 2018-099BL 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-5 43817 2018-099BM 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-6 43818 2018-099BN 2018-12-03 DECAYED Unable to track
EXCITE 43819 2018-099BP 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SEAHAWK-1 43820 2018-099BQ 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
FLOCK 3S 2 43821 2018-099BR 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
OBJECT BS 43822 2018-099BS 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT