Tracking 30337 objects as of 25-Mar-2025
HD Live streaming from Space Station
objects crossing your sky now


If you have a web page, a website, or a blog, you could easily insert a real time JavaScript tracker showing your favorite satellite. Here is how.

Configurable parameters

Three sizes available: small (about 400 px wide), medium (about 600 px wide), large (about 800 px wide).

var size_n2yo = '[size]'; (choices small, medium, large. Default is medium)

You can show one single satellite, or allow user to select one from a list.

For one single satellite:

var norad_n2yo = '[NORAD id]'; The NORAD id of the satellite, just look up in the database, it is a number. For ISS is 25544.

For multiple satellites you should list them separated by "," while the name you want to display will be separated by "|".

var norad_n2yo = '[NORAD id1]|[Name1],[NORAD id2]|[Name2]|[NORAD id3]|[Name3]'; ... etc

Example: var norad_n2yo = '25544|ISS,20580|Hubble'; This line will generate a list of 2 satellites: ISS (25544) and Hubble (20580)

You can show all passes which should include those optically invisible, or only those visible:

var allpasses_n2yo = '[n]'; n=1 for all passes and n=0 for optically visible passes

You can pick a map you like, 5 options are available:

var map_n2yo = '[n]'; just try and see which one you like. Default: 5

Some examples

Hello World

This basic script will generate a map type 5, medium size, tracking the International Space Station (ISS) and forecast the next optically visible pass over user's location:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Single satellite

This script will use same default settings except the satellite, which is Hubble (NORAD id = 20580).

	var norad_n2yo = '20580';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Single satellite, more customization

This script will generate a small map, type 1, tracking ISS and showing next satellite pass above user's location.

	var norad_n2yo = '25544';
	var size_n2yo = 'small';
	var allpasses_n2yo = '1';
	var map_n2yo = '2';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Multiple satellites, selectable from a dropdown list

This script will generate a list of 3 satellites on a medium map, type 2, tracking ISS, Hubble, Aeolus and showing next optically visible pass above user's location.

var norad_n2yo = '25544|ISS,43600|Aeolus,20580|HST';
var size_n2yo = 'medium';
var allpasses_n2yo = '0';
var map_n2yo = '2';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>